Hospitalista Pediátrica se Une al Hospital Infantil ~ Pediatric Hospitalist Joins Children’s Hospital

Hospitalista Pediátrica se Une al Hospital Infantil

PENSACOLA, Fla. – La Dra. Adriana Fernández Bowman se ha unido al personal médico del Studer Family Children’s Hospital en el Sacred Heart y trabajará como hospitalista pediátrica, supervisando el cuidado de niños en las unidades pediátricas hospitalarias del hospital.

La doctora Fernández se graduó con su licenciatura en estudios de idiomas de la Universidad de California en Santa Cruz, donde se centró en el español con un menor de edad en alemán. Recibió su título de medicina y un certificado de salud pública de la University of New Mexico School of Medicine en Albuquerque, New Mexico. La Dra. Fernández completó su capacitación en pediatría a través del Studer Family Children’s Hospital en el Sacred Heart, que está afiliado a la University of Florida College of Medicine.

Durante su residencia, presentó sobre la prevención de hipotermia neonatal y trabajó en iniciativas de mejora de la calidad como las recetas de farmacia para unidades pediátricas de pacientes hospitalizados. Ella es una hablante nativa de español.

Pediatric Hospitalist Joins Children’s Hospital

Dra. Adriana Fernández Bowman
Dra. Adriana Fernández Bowman

PENSACOLA, Fla. – Dr. Adriana Fernandez Bowman has joined the medical staff of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart and will serve as a pediatric hospitalist, overseeing the care of children in the hospital’s inpatient pediatric units.

Dr. Fernandez graduated with her bachelor’s degree in language studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she focused on Spanish with a minor in German. She received her medical degree and a certificate of public health from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Fernandez completed her residency training in pediatrics through The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart, which is affiliated with the University of Florida College of Medicine.

During residency, she presented on neonatal hypothermia prevention and worked on quality-improvement initiatives such as pharmacy prescriptions for inpatient pediatric units. She is a native Spanish speaker.

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