El Baptist Health Care Foundation Recibe $25,000 Para el Fondo de Mamografía ~ Baptist Health Care Foundation Receives $25,000 for Mammogram Fund

El Baptist Health Care Foundation Recibe $25,000 Para el Fondo de Mamografía

PENSACOLA, Fla.—La Baptist Health Care Foundation recibió $ 25,000 para su Mammogram Fund del Pensacola Breast Cancer Association. La donación se compuso de fondos recaudados a través de la gala anual Ribbons of Hope de la organización y otros eventos durante todo el año.

El Mammogram Fund ayuda a proporcionar mamografías a mujeres calificadas que no son financieramente capaces de obtener una por su cuenta.

“Estamos increíblemente agradecidos por nuestra asociación con la Pensacola Breast Cancer Association,” dijo KC Gartman, director ejecutivo de Baptist Health Care Foundation. “Su misión y visión se alinean perfectamente con la nuestra en que el 100 por ciento de los fondos que recaudan vuelve a nuestra comunidad para apoyar a las mujeres necesitadas. Agradecemos su continuo apoyo a nuestro programa de mamografías cada año”

Para saber si califica para esta evaluación gratuita, llame al 850.469.7500. Obtenga más información sobre la importancia de la mamografía y los servicios que se ofrecen en Baptist Health Care visitando eBaptistHealthCare.org.

Baptist Health Care Foundation Receives $25,000 for Mammogram Fund

PENSACOLA, Fla.—The Baptist Health Care Foundation received $25,000 for its Mammogram Fund from the Pensacola Breast Cancer Association. The donation was made up of funds raised through the organization’s annual Ribbons of Hope gala and other events throughout the year.

The Mammogram Fund helps provide mammograms to qualified women who are not financially able to get one on their own.

“We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with the Pensacola Breast Cancer Association,” said KC Gartman, executive director, Baptist Health Care Foundation. “Their mission and vision aligns perfectly with ours in that 100 percent of funds they raise goes back into our community to support women in need. We appreciate their continued support of our mammogram program each year.”

To find out if you qualify for this free screening, call 850.469.7500. Learn more about the importance of mammography and the services offered at Baptist Health Care by visiting eBaptistHealthCare.org.

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