Visit South Walton celebra el tercer despliegue de UMA ~ Visit South Walton celebrates third UMA deployment

Visit South Walton celebra el tercer despliegue de UMA

CONDADO DE WALTON, Fla. – La Alianza de Artes Culturales del Condado de Walton (CAA), la Asociación de Arrecifes Artificiales de South Walton (SWARA) y Visit South Walton celebraron el despliegue exitoso de ocho nuevas esculturas en el Museo de Arte Subacuático (UMA).

La nueva instalación es el tercer despliegue de esculturas de la UMA e incluye las siguientes esculturas:

  • Bee Grayt de Katie Witherspoon (Santa Rosa Beach, FL)
  • Building Blocks por Zachary Long (Oklahoma City, OK)
  • Dawn Dancers de Shohini Ghosh (Highlands Ranch, CO)
  • Eco-Bug de Priscila D’Brito (Boca Raton, FL)
  • Desde las profundidades de Kirk Seese (Lutherville, MD)
  • Hope por Jonathan Burger (New Bern, NC)
  • Three Wishes de Marisol Rendón e Ingram Ober (San Diego, CA)
  • El Plastico de George Sabra (Richmond, TX)

museum piece being installed underwaterCon el apoyo de la Fundación Alys, Visit South Walton, Visit Florida y la División de Asuntos Culturales del Estado de Florida, la instalación de hoy elevará el número total de obras de arte submarinas a 25. El primer museo de arte subacuático permanente del país se encuentra aproximadamente 57 pies bajo el agua y las coordenadas de la escultura central (Cráneo SWARA) son Latitud N30 18 45.262 Longitud W086 09 33.722 entre Grayton Beach y Seaside, Fla.

Además de proporcionar un sitio para el buceo que será único en el mundo, las esculturas se diseñan y seleccionan teniendo en cuenta su idoneidad como hábitat marino, por lo que incluso en ausencia de buceadores, el Museo de Arte Subacuático seguramente contará con muchos visitantes, incluidos bancos de peces para carnada, meros, tortugas marinas y delfines.

Visit South Walton celebrates third UMA deployment

museum sculpture being lowered into waterWALTON COUNTY, Fla. The Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County (CAA), South Walton Artificial Reef Association (SWARA) and Visit South Walton celebrated the successful deployment of eight new sculptures in the Underwater Museum of Art (UMA).

The new installation is the third UMA sculpture deployment and includes the following sculptures:

  • Bee Grayt by Katie Witherspoon (Santa Rosa Beach, FL)
  • Building Blocks by Zachary Long (Oklahoma City, OK)
  • Dawn Dancers by Shohini Ghosh (Highlands Ranch, CO)
  • Eco-Bug by Priscila D’Brito (Boca Raton, FL)
  • From The Depths by Kirk Seese (Lutherville, MD)
  • Hope by Jonathan Burger (New Bern, NC)
  • Three Wishes by Marisol Rendón and Ingram Ober (San Diego, CA)
  • El Plastico by George Sabra (Richmond, TX)

With support from the Alys Foundation, Visit South Walton, Visit Florida and the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs today’s installation will bring the total number of underwater works of art up to 25. The nation’s first permanent underwater museum of art is located in about 57 feet underwater and the coordinates for the center sculpture (SWARA Skull) are Latitude N30 18 45.262 Longitude W086 09 33.722 between Grayton Beach and Seaside, Fla.

In addition to providing a site for SCUBA diving that will be unique to the world, the sculptures are designed and selected with their suitability as marine habitat in mind, so even in the absence of SCUBA divers, the Underwater Museum of Art is certain to have many visitors, including schools of bait fish, grouper, sea turtles and dolphins!

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