La ciudad de Pensacola lamenta la pérdida del concejal Gerald Wingate ~ City of Pensacola Mourns the Loss of Councilman Gerald Wingate

La ciudad de Pensacola lamenta la pérdida del concejal Gerald Wingate

PENSACOLA, Fla. – El alcalde Grover Robinson y la ciudad de Pensacola ofrecen sus sinceras condolencias a la familia durante este momento difícil, y el Ayuntamiento ha bajado las banderas a media asta en honor y memoria del concejal Wingate.

“Estamos profundamente tristes por la pérdida del concejal Wingate, que era un servidor público dedicado, padre, esposo y líder de la comunidad,” dijo el alcalde Robinson. “Sabemos que su legado continuará viviendo en la ciudad de Pensacola y más allá. Nuestros corazones están con su familia y seres queridos durante este momento difícil, y los mantendremos en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones mientras continúan llorando su pérdida.”

El concejal Wingate representó al Concejo Municipal en el Juvenile Justice Council y la Florida/Alabama Transportation Planning Organization.

Nacido en Pensacola, el concejal Wingate se graduó del Booker T. Washington High School, Pensacola Junior College y l University of West Florida. Sirvió a su país durante 25 años como oficial del ejército y se retiró de la industria del papel con 40 años de experiencia en gestión. También trabajó como agente inmobiliario con Main Street Properties.

Le sobreviven su esposa Betsie Wingate y sus cinco hijos, junto con numerosos otros familiares y amigos.

City of Pensacola Mourns the Loss of Councilman Gerald Wingate

PENSACOLA, Fla. – Mayor Grover Robinson and the City of Pensacola offer their sincere condolences to the family during this difficult time, and City Hall has lowered the flags to half-staff in honor and memory of Councilman Wingate.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of Councilman Wingate, who was a devoted public servant, father, husband and community leader,” Mayor Robinson said. “We know his legacy will continue to live on in the city of Pensacola and beyond. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones during this difficult time, and we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they continue to grieve their loss.”

Councilman Wingate represented the City Council on the Juvenile Justice Council and the Florida/Alabama Transportation Planning Organization.

A native of Pensacola, Councilman Wingate graduated from Booker T. Washington High School, Pensacola Junior College and the University of West Florida. He served his country for 25 years as an Army Officer and retired from the paper industry with 40 years of management experience. He also worked as a realtor with Main Street Properties.

He is survived by his wife Betsie Wingate and their five children, along with numerous other family members and friends. 

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