Home Comunidad/Community Un resumen de SB 1718 ~ A summary of SB 1718

Un resumen de SB 1718 ~ A summary of SB 1718

Un resumen de SB 1718


La Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) proporcionó la siguiente información sobre SB1718 para informar a las comunidades sobre lo que incluye y lo que no incluye la nueva ley estatal. El proyecto de ley original se cambió de su forma original y redujo algunas de las restricciones propuestas originalmente. El siguiente es un resumen de lo que se convirtió en ley:

Summary of SB1718 in Spanish

Information on what SB1718 will NOT do in Spanish

A summary of SB 1718

The Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) provided the following information regarding SB1718 to inform communities about what the new state law includes and what it does not include. The original bill was changed from its original form and reduced some of the restrictions originally proposed. The following is a summary of what was signed into law:

Summary of SB1718 in English

Information on what SB1718 will NOT do in English

Logos of immigrant rights advocacy organizations in Florida

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